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【产品名称】:VigRX Herbal Supplement For Men VigRX Herbal Supplement For Men——华夏外用产品招商网
【所属类别】:大保健产品 免疫调节 
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VigRX Herbal Supplement For Men
VigRX sex capsule is potent all-natural male power pill that delivers solid, longer
Comment: In addition to penis length enhancement when aroused, subject reported increases in girth, mass, and increased performation.
What results can you except though regular use of VigRX? Here is a timetable which indicates what you can realistically except to achieve when you are aroused:
Week One Through Week Four
During this period the most noticeable change will be the expansion in width of your penis. You will also experience and enjoy longer lasting erections.
Week Four Through Week Eight
Now you will start to see a remarkable lengthening of your penis. The effect is dramatic.
Week Nine And Beyond
Now when you get erection your penis will look and feel firmer, stronger and more rock solid then ever before.Men also report and document that their lovers see, feel and enjoy the difference VigRX Makes.This is hardly surprising given that most of the active ingredients are bog standard supplements such as ginseng, saw palmetto, hawthorn(!?) and gingko biloba in pretty low doses (100mg per capsule).
The remaining 4 ingredients are lesser known (muira pauma, catuaba bark, cuscuta seed and epimedium leaf) and present in even smaller quantities (50mg per capsule).These last four are folklore aphrodisiacs and there is no clinical evidence that they have any effect on either libido or performance.
Specification: 60capsules per bottle.
Storage:in a room temperature, dry/dark place, keep out of reach of children.


VigRX Herbal Supplement For Men
VigRX sex capsule is potent all-natural male power pill that delivers solid, longer
Comment: In addition to penis length enhancement when aroused, subject reported increases in girth, mass, and increased performation.
What results can you except though regular use of VigRX? Here is a timetable which indicates what you can realistically except to achieve when you are aroused:
Week One Through Week Four
During this period the most noticeable change will be the expansion in width of your penis. You will also experience and enjoy longer lasting erections.
Week Four Through Week Eight
Now you will start to see a remarkable lengthening of your penis. The effect is dramatic.
Week Nine And Beyond
Now when you get erection your penis will look and feel firmer, stronger and more rock solid then ever before.Men also report and document that their lovers see, feel and enjoy the difference VigRX Makes.This is hardly surprising given that most of the active ingredients are bog standard supplements such as ginseng, saw palmetto, hawthorn(!?) and gingko biloba in pretty low doses (100mg per capsule).
The remaining 4 ingredients are lesser known (muira pauma, catuaba bark, cuscuta seed and epimedium leaf) and present in even smaller quantities (50mg per capsule).These last four are folklore aphrodisiacs and there is no clinical evidence that they have any effect on either libido or performance.
Specification: 60capsules per bottle.
Storage:in a room temperature, dry/dark place, keep out of reach of children.


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